Booking the Space


Editing Software:

To ask for credentials you can open a ticket in:

Login - Customer Support

General Rules

  1. If you do not show up within the first 15 minutes of the slot that you have booked on fab lab equipment your booking and your future appointments will be removed and you will lose fab lab privileges for two weeks. For example, if you schedule the CNC for four hours and do not arrive at the beginning of the scheduled time, you will lose the remainder of the hours. If you are unable to come to your scheduled time you must cancel your booking BEFORE your time begins. NOTE: If you want to cancel your booking in the first 15 minutes of your slot, please, send an email to [email protected], and we will cancel your appointment for you. If you send the email later than those 15 minutes, you will lose your fab lab privileges. For example, if you schedule the 3D Printer at 14:00h., and you send the email 14:30h., you will be penalized.
  2. It is not permitted to book fab lab hours for other students. The hours you book are individual and untransferable, meaning that if you do not show up for your hours and someone else does, you will still lose your fab lab privileges for two weeks, just as if you hadn’t show up at all. This rule also applies if you are doing a group project. Only the person who has booked is authorized to use the machine during that slot.
  3. Your permissions to use the fab lab machines requested will ****be until mid-July 2023. If you need more time to develop your project, you will have to request permission again for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Some facts about the machines:

How to use Ender:

<link to video>

How to use Witbox:

<link to video>