What is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest is an annual event powered by DigitalOcean with the purpose of encouraging people to contribute to open source throughout the month of October. It’s a celebration of open-source code.

Some of the most famous open-source projects include:

When are the Events?

<aside> 💡 During October always on Tuesday at 5 pm (Room TBD)


How can I contribute?

There are many different ways to contribute! We have already prepared multiple open-source repos that you can work on during this month:

  1. Our repositories

    IE Robotics & AI Club

  2. Other repositories

    1. You can contribute to one of the many repositories officially listed for the event here. You can also find any repository tagged with #hacktoberfest.
    2. Another option is contributing to issues marked as ‘good first issue’. You can find a global list of them here.
  3. Our Early Contributions Repository

    1. Visit and fork the repository
    2. Clone the repository locally
    3. Add your name to the list in tutorial.py
    4. You can find the detailed instructions