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Robomaster keeper setup

  1. Access playground and activate python 3.9 virtual environment
cd robo-playground/ && . venv39/bin/activate
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run goalkeeper code
python3 [](<>) --ip='' --max-width=2 --xy-speed=1
python3 [](<>) --help

Usage: [](<>) [OPTIONS]
--ip TEXT          (Optional) IP of Robomaster EP
--timeout FLOAT    (Optional) Timeout for commands
--max-width FLOAT  (Optional) Field width
--max-depth FLOAT  (Optional) Field depth
--xy-speed FLOAT   (Optional) Speed in x and y direction
--z-speed FLOAT    (Optional) Speed in z direction(chassis roll)
--help             Show this message and exit.